Why compost?

You might be surprised to learn that 72% of Americans don’t compost at home. What’s driving the 28%? Why should you start composting?

Let’s explore why composting is not just a good idea but an essential practice for a healthier planet. We’ll give you just three reasons — but they’re big ones.

Why compost?

1. There is no “away”

When we throw something “away,” it doesn’t really disappear. Food scraps and yard waste that end up in landfills decompose anaerobically, producing methane—a potent greenhouse gas that contributes significantly to climate change. Composting diverts these materials from landfills, reducing methane emissions and supporting a healthier environment.

2. It enriches the soil

Composting transforms organic waste into nutrient-rich compost that can be used to enhance soil health. This compost improves soil structure, increases its ability to retain moisture, and provides essential nutrients for plants. Healthy soil leads to robust gardens and can benefit local ecosystems. If you’re not a gardener yourself, your friends, neighbors, or family might still appreciate your compost!

3. It imitates nature’s recycling

Composting is nature’s way of recycling organic matter. By composting, we replicate this natural process, converting waste into a valuable resource. It’s an efficient, sustainable practice that aligns with ecological principles, turning what would be waste into something beneficial.

Why not compost?

Those reasons might all sound fine and good to you. Chances are, the reason you don’t compost isn’t because nobody’s told you that it’s good. But maybe nobody’s told you that it’s easy.

That same study linked above revealed that 67% of people would be willing to compost — if it was easy. We’re here to assure you, it is! There are ways to compost that suit your preferences, your life, no matter who you are or where you live. 

We know all the reasons not to compost. It’s too much trouble, it stinks, it attracts pests, it’s ugly, I don’t have space, I don’t have a garden… Would it help to know that there are answers — good ones, easy ones, simple ones — to each of these objections? You’ve come to the right place to get them!

Here are the top reasons we hear from people who are not composting, and some simple solutions. We’ll be adding more and more resources and blog posts to this site to help you through these solutions and more!

1. Composting is too much trouble

Composting can be made extra simple with options like Green Cones, worm bins, or compost pickup services. Even a buried bucket with a lid can be a solution!

2. Compost attracts pests

Properly managed compost piles with a balanced mix of materials (grass clippings and leaves with a little food waste layered in) attract only beneficial microbes and insects! Still don’t believe me? Using enclosed systems like worm bins can give you comfort that no larger animals are stopping by your pile.

3. Compost stinks

A well-managed compost pile has no detectable odor. It’s not like your kitchen trash can! Green cones and worm bins are also great options if you’re worried about possible smells.

4. Compost is unsightly

You can get as creative as you want with outdoor bins, adding lids, doors, or panels. You can make it as fun or discreet as you want — some options are nearly invisible if set up properly.

5. I’m not a gardener anyway

Not all composting methods generate heaps of compost. For example, Green Cones and other setups are designed to eliminate the waste. Or, you can check your area for compost pickup services.

6. Compost bins are probably illegal where I live

To find out if that’s true, check your HOA or city restrictions. If a conventional compost pile isn’t legal, that doesn’t mean all composting is banned — you can still explore solutions like Green Cones, worm bins, or compost pickup services!

7. I don’t have space to compost

Conventional compost piles need about 3′ x 3′, but other composting solutions are much smaller.

Ready to start composting?

If you are here, you probably know that composting is the right thing to do. We’re here to help you find a composting solution that fits your lifestyle. Explore our site for more information, watch our videos, or contact Compost Man Stan with your specific questions.

Composting is easier than you think, and the benefits are well worth the effort!

Compost Man Stan
Compost Man Stan

“Compost Man” Stan Slaughter is an environmental educator and compost expert. He has been traveling the world singing songs and sharing stories with kids and adults since 1987. Today, he’s Director of Education and Outreach at Missouri Organic Recycling, teaching Kansas City how to compost at in-person events.