Stan’s Composting Blog
The latest posts from Compost Man Stan and his crew of composters.
Why compost?
In a world dominated by extracting our natural resources, compost is an antidote. Compost is the opposite of extraction; it’s putting back, it’s restoring. Soil fertility, vibrant healthy food, waste disposal, sanitation, and sustainability all have deep roots in compost. And most of all: It’s easy! It’s one of the simplest ways to give back to Mother Earth while reaping benefits for yourself, too. It’s a win-win!

Games, posters, songs, educator resources and more available at our store.

Hire Compost Man Stan to speak to your audience or visit your classroom.

Upcoming Events
Meet Compost Man Stan at an upcoming event in the Kansas City area, sponsored by Missouri Organic & Recycling.

Read our latest articles on composting and more on our blog.

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Listen to Stan’s song catalog of music for environmental education.
From Compost Man Stan’s former students — of all ages.
“Mr. Slaughter was my science teacher at Ervin Junior High School [in the 70’s]. He was a fabulous teacher who helped awaken the environmentalist in me. I remember celebrating the very first Earth Day in his class. I still think about him. I raised 4 environmentally conscious children who are sharing a love of the earth with my 10 grandkids. His life’s work has been very impactful.”
— Verna S. P.
“Stan Slaughter presents a superb mix of engaging and entertaining music along with practical, informative content! He’s very professional and unquestionably reliable.”
— John Stufflebean, Director, Kansas City Department of Environmental Management, Kansas City, MO
“Stan Slaughter is the thoroughbred of the environmental educators I’ve hired.
Second place is not even close!”
— Michael Patton, Tulsa, OK Metropolitan Environmental Trust
“Very educational. It was perfect!! The program was great! The
students were very involved, and Stan was very motivating!”
— Educator, East Side Elementary School, Edinburgh, IN
“What an outstanding presentation! I really appreciated your enthusiasm for recycling. The students enjoyed the morning and so did staff members. Keep up the great work!”
— Principal, Onaga Elementary, Onaga, KS
“The kids loved it! They are still talking about Stan.”