
The WHY of Composting by Stan Slaughter

Compost Man Stan-spreading the word on composting since 1979

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Compost 201

Composting  201 By CompostMan Stan This blog has second-level tips and tricks about each of the basic’s from the Learn to Compost blog. I’ll go through them one at a time. Moisture  The greens, the food waste, manure, etc. are already moist and often are a source of moisture for the compost pile. They don’t…

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Composting Basics

Start here if you’ve never composted before! Nature decomposes everything that was once alive, so all we need to do is copy nature, right? Well — sort of. True “composting” doesn’t happen in nature. But knowing the biology of decomposition will give you the knowledge you need to compost anywhere with any (or no) equipment.…

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12,000 Kansas students learn composting and food waste reduction with innovative science unit

– For immediate release – Kansas City, Missouri – August 14th, 2024 – Missouri Organic Recycling, (MOR) a Kansas City-based compost and mulch company developed the innovative Food Too Good to Waste Science Unit in 2020. The unit is digitally delivered, incorporates NGSS standards language in the lessons, features four 10-minute videos and hands-on activities.…

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Why compost?

You might be surprised to learn that 72% of Americans don’t compost at home. What’s driving the 28%? Why should you start composting? Let’s explore why composting is not just a good idea but an essential practice for a healthier planet. We’ll give you just three reasons — but they’re big ones. Why compost? 1.…

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On the cover of Mother Earth News

Linda and I are announcing that the Mother Earth News has just published an issue with a story about our home and garden. Farming in the Suburbs is the title. The story was well written by Linda’s daughter, Jessica. The story is online at this address. It’s about deciding to stay “home” in the suburbs…

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New Thought Walden Award

Stan Slaughter Presented With 2018 New Thought Walden Award Kansas City – August 3 – Stan Slaughter has been named a New Thought Walden Award  honoree for 2018. The Walden Awards honor those who use empowering spiritual ideas and philosophies to change lives and make our planet a better place.This is the inaugural year for the awards,…

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A Royal Compost Adventure Report

Stan’s Royal Compost Adventure Report This blog also lives as a Mother Earth News Blog- (below) Some of you may have heard that this April 15th I gave a speech in England at the invitation of HRH Prince Charles. The event was a celebration of the gardens and farm he has been developing for…

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Tha Alchemy of Compost How 2+2=9, if YOU let it

This is the full text of the speech I gave in England on April 15th at the request of HRH Prince Charles. The Alchemy of Compost: How 2+2=9 if You let it A speech given by Stan Slaughter M.A. Biology at the invitation of His Royal Highness, Prince Charles, at Highgrove, a Garden Celebrated, the…

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Feed the Soil First

Feed the Soil First Sir Albert Howard, the father of the modern organic movement, spoke about a threshold of life in the soil. Nature, he said, was generous with her bounty, if she had something to give. When the soil was worn out from a shortage of organic matter ( less than about 4%), Nature…

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Rich Soil, Rich People on Mother Earth News

Rich Soil, Rich People (with Video} 1/28/2016 4:34:00 PM By Stan Slaughter Tags: healthy soil, biochar, Missouri, Stan Slaughter   (Gail Fuller is a biological farmer from Emporia, KS) This is an exciting time for the healthy food movement. The number of tools and techniques that inform organic farming and gardening is exploding. Evidence is pouring in that the conventional…

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Press Release-Invitation from Prince Charles

Kansas City Educator Invited To Speak in England by HRH Prince Charles   Lifelong Kansas City educator Stan Slaughter has been invited by HRH The Prince of Wales to speak on composting at a conference in Gloucestershire this April. The conference is organized April 11-16th by Highgrove Enterprises, the management group for the Prince’s organic…

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